Monthly Archives: November 2020

COVID Stats Whittlesey

Next weeks Stats could show a different story!

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Cambs Highways Incident Report October 2020

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Advance Notice (Plenty) Ramsey Road – Works 2021

See diagram below – B1040 – Closure 24/7 – Working Hours – 07:30 – 17:00 Dates – Start Date 04/01/21 – End Date 02/04/21

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Whittlesey Remembers – This Weekend

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Some Are As Usual Doing Their Part – Some Are NOT

Reports I have received today – Whittlesey was a busy as any normal day. Traffic was no less than last week. Some are being very careful and some are not – what has changed….

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COVID Stats Whittlesey + Coates,Eastrea & Pondersbridge

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PayPal Phishing Scams

For those of you who use PayPal for business or in your private lives, please be aware of a phishing alert just issued by the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau. Should you have any questions or concerns about protecting yourself, your … Continue reading

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Proposed Changes To Neighbourhood Policing In Cambridgeshire

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COVID Stats Whittlesey – Good News!

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WTC Projects & Planning Meeting

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WTC Projects & Planning Meeting Tonight.

The Projects Committee meeting tonight will be looking at scoping the possibilities of replacing the ‘picnic benches’ on the Manor Field, these are very early days and there is a lot to do in the respect of obtaining finance for … Continue reading

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COVID Stats Whittlesey + Coates,Eastrea & Pondersbridge

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