Category Archives: Issues and Concerns

Street Priders Find More Fly-Tipping

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Update – Road Closure NORTH SIDE B1040

Please note this is NOT North Bank – which remains open. 25th July – 30th July including weekend working 08:00 – 17:00

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We Will Need to Engage With The Wisbech Incinerator Operator. Irrespective of the outcome(s) for the  Mega Incinerator planned for Wisbech – this may and could have serious implications for us here in Whittlesey, namely the possibility of the end waste (Incinerator Bottom Ash – IBA) coming to Whittlesey … Continue reading

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HSF Will Now Be Closing Down

To many residents here in Fenland/Whittlesey this was a life-line in the short term.

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Household Support Fund (HSF) Winding Down – Funding?

The sucessful Household Support Fund – Many within Fenland have received help. Originally funded by the Government, when this finished Cambs CC made money available, however the success has been overwhelming – that the funding is about to run out. … Continue reading

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Wisbech Incinerator Update – FDC Press Release

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Saxongate Update

Kings Dyke Nature Reserve has now shut due to a land slip. Forterra is funding the repair work, which may take a year. The attached letter gives all the details. Like Saxon Pit this is a former brickworks. Given that … Continue reading

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Stolen Moped Discovered By StreetPrider – Police Recover

On Saturday a Street Pride volunteer reported an abandoned moped in the Station Road play area. I reported it. The police recovered the moped as it had been reported stolen. Another good result. Eamonn Dorling (Chairman Whittlesey Street Pride)

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Police Commissioner Urges Residents To Have Their Say

Police and Crime Commissioner Darryl Preston has today (15 July) launched a short online survey for residents to tell him their views on crime and disorder are as he produces a new plan for the county. The plan sets policing … Continue reading

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Civil Parking Enforcement – Consultation CCC

Not really sure who/how this consultation effects us in Fenland, as our CPE is advanced but stalled for various reasons (see below) 1/ CCC have not been helpful I understand. 2/ Costs have been escalating the longer the process takes … Continue reading

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FDC Press Release – Homelessness & Rough Sleeping

  Take part in the online consultation survey via FDC website at:

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FDC Press Release – Wisbech Incinerator

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