Combined Authorities Commitment to Kings Dyke Crossing

I am grateful to Cllr Eamonn Dorling who carried out the research, he and I (plus 2 Whittlesey councillors) attended the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority meeting held on the 31st October – I being the only member of the ‘public’ from Whittlesey to attend. I did report on it at the time.

Read Here the report I made

Below is the ‘official minutes’ of that meeting, whereby the CA passed the item re Kings Dyke Crossing, I have extracted the relevant item.
Please read ALL carefully as there are a number of statements and commitments contained. The main commitment being that ‘should’ there be any shortfall in funding then a 40/60 split between Cambs CC and the Combined Authority.

It is my understanding (as today), that there is a ‘Funding issue’ and delays caused by contractual arrangements between the contractor and Cambs CC.

Kings Dyke CA Minutes 311018

If you have difficulty in reading the above – go to the compete minutes below the KD crossing starts on page 8

CA - Re Kings Dyke Bridge 181031 Minutes
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