Monthly Archives: April 2018

B1040 Still Closed – Thanks GW

My thanks to GW who sent me these pictures taken this morning…          

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Oh Dear – Success Didn’t Last Long…

After ‘years’ of lobbying and campaigning to get ‘parking issues/concerns’ sorted out along Ramsey Road/Church Street…(there was a public meeting – result !!!!). Only last night Cllr David Mason was so ‘Happy’ that the ‘Double Yellow’ lines outside ‘Park House’ … Continue reading

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Problem with A605 – Complain to Your Councillor

B1040 Closure.. Horrendous is an under-statement – but there is not a lot that can be done. We came back from Peterborough on Tuesday evening and it took over 1½ hours to get from Amazon Round-About back into Whittlesey. I’ve … Continue reading

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Another Fantastic Day Out – Here In Whittlesey

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WTC Planning Meeting Wednesday 04th April

6 Councillors present, 2 absent and one member of the public – myself. I questioned about item (1) on the agenda – F/YR18/0015/F – Re Morleys old garage site. This appears to have been an ‘administration error’ – as I … Continue reading

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Whittlesea Mud Wall Group

Passing the Town Hall today, I visited the Whittlesey Mud Walls meeting, I have done so on occasions previously, interesting and informative of these ‘fairly’ unique pieces of history, especially within Cambridgeshire. The group have almost completed a booklet explaining … Continue reading

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WTC Planning Committee Meeting Wednesday 04th April

I find it a bit confusing that WTC Planning Committee are discussing the old Morley’s Garage site for a convenience store and 3 x 3 bed dwellings when at FDC have today (03rd) issued a decision notice to Grant Permission. The FDC’s … Continue reading

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Learn About Defibrillators

At next Monday’s (09th April) Patient Participation Group Meeting (PPG) at The New Queen Street Surgery – 7pm – A talk and demonstration by Deborah Slater – All welcome – You may well – Save someone’s Life by learning how … Continue reading

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At last – Signs are Out & Visible Food Warning

The B1040 is closed Flood warnings Flood Warning in force: North Bank Road alongside the River Nene, east of Peterborough and west of Dog-in-a Doublet is CLOSED. B1040 (Wash Road) Whittlesey to Thorney CLOSED Throughout the Easter weekend we saw … Continue reading

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Good For Ducks (II)

Weather was the factor not as many turning out on a damp & cold afternoon – still a good success for the Mayor’s Charity…. A selection of pictures of todays event – click to enlarge

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Bower Foot Bridge Enhancement

About 2 years ago, a developer stated that they would pay for the Bower Foot Bridge upgrading, whether it was these developers I don’t know. However the Foot Bridge is now more ‘accessible’ in that the 3 concrete steps have … Continue reading

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Nice Weather for Ducks….

The weather forecast is looking slightly better for today – this afternoons – Mayors Charity Duck Race. Providing it goes ahead – there will still be a few tickets available – All monies raised goes to ‘local’ charities. Start at … Continue reading

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