Disclaimer: These observations are not the ‘official’ minutes of the meeting, these are supplied by Whittlesey Town Council, normally (1) month following the meeting and can be viewed on their website
Only myself, Norman & Nigel Bedford (had applications on agenda) & Mr Mick Woolaston as public attended.
As per agenda, Mr Woolaston began his presentation on behalf of residents of Snowley Park/Glenfields Action Group, with a very passionate delivery of issues (Section 106) surrounding applications in that area under construction – namely the none discharge of monies allocated under the various agreements.
Mr Woolaston was stopped by the Chair (Mrs Jolly) as his delivery had no relevance to the planning application being considered tonight by the committee (F/YR16/0392/F & F/YR16/0393A) – however several councillors were sympathetic to other issues contained in Mr Woolastons presentation namely Planning Conditions and Construction Management Plans/Issues. A very good debate continued and some support given to Mr Woolaston in these respects.
Later when the applications (above) were considered – the committee decided to ‘defer’ the decision until all conditions have been adhered and discharged.
The rest of the meeting went as per agenda.
No mention was made in regard to the Kings Dyke Level Crossing.
No mention was made in regard to the proposed Anaerobic Digester (AD) at Horsey Toll
These items were not on the agenda – why not!
I hope to have some information regarding the (AD) in a few days.