Monthly Archives: June 2016

Some Councillors are working harder than others?

Sometimes, like in many instances, Councillors do a lot behind the scenes which the public do not see or hear about. However – since Whittlesey Town Council (WTC) now has its own dedicated website, I would have thought there would … Continue reading

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Whittlesey Town Council Meeting – Wednesday 08th June

Here is the Agenda for next week’s meeting – I plan to attend. Click on Link below. FC-Agenda-8th-June-2016

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Is Big Brother about to get Bigger!!!!!

There is not a day goes by – without ‘someone’ causing an issue. Today (I’ll keep it short for now) I/we have been informed that Cambs CC and Balfour Beatty are to impose charges of between £25:00 & £50:00 for … Continue reading

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Peterborough Main Post Office – Moving

Although there is a consultation process going on (Who, if anyone ever takes much notice) – regarding the proposed move of Peterborough’s Main Post Office on Church Street. The powers that be – want it to go within WH Smiths … Continue reading

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Update on Horsey Toll – Anaerobic Digester

Further to my article of the 23rd May – Here is an update received today 01st June. horseytollwasteplant 1  Jun 2016 — 721 signatures were submitted to Planning Control at Peterborough City Council on the 20th May 2016. Residents have continued … Continue reading

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