A Message from Whittlesey NHW Group

w: www.whittleseynhw.org.uk

I am going to keep it short and safe.

Robin, John and myself, wish you all a Happy a Christmas – as we can expect this year.
A Safe and Healthy New Year.

If any of you need help, assistance in any way, please, please get in contact with any of us – we are here to help and support everyone.

Our group has remained resilient throughout the year and as I’ve previously advised we are still supporting a small number of those who seek our help and assistance.

On a personal note, if you have not received a Christmas Card or ‘Present’ – Connie and I have as in previously years sponsored 100 trees to be planted with the help of the Woodland Trust – We have now sponsored over 500 in the last few years.

Please look after yourselves and let us all hope that there is a small glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

Best wishes,

Roy G…, Robin and John.

Roy Gerstner
Chairman (2011 – 2021)
Whittlesey & District NHW

t: 01733 208590
m: 07923 244935
e: roy.gerstner@ntlworld.com
w: www.roygerstner.co.uk  (personal)

w: www.whittleseynhw.org.uk

Neighbourhood Watch is a grassroots charitable movement.
It is the largest crime prevention voluntary movement in England and Wales and has upwards of 2.3 million members.


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