Field of Dreams – Flood Lighting – Official Release

The lights were purchased by The Whittlesey Charity and donated to the Whittlesey Sports Association for use in the community. The launch saw the Chair of the Charity Mrs Claire Rayner and the Mayor of Whittlesey Cllr David Mason kick off a match as the Field of Dreams on Sunday night, the home of Whittlesey Juniors, the lights were on from the start and the real benefit was when the sun went down . The Mayor paid tribute to the work of the Association whilst Mrs Rayner highlighted that the Charity was delighted to support such initiatives .
Robert Windle the Chairman of the Sports Association was delighted about the donation” This give local sports clubs the opportunity to create some projects which can be undertaken outdoors in the winter months, the first of these will be opportunities for some junior football in the community”. For more details go to Facebook Whittlesey Sports Association.
Photos by Robert Windle & Rui Chamberlain

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FOD FloodLighting
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