Monthly Archives: September 2018

A somewhat Late – Flower – SunFlower

You may remember my wife Connie, carrying out a sponsored walk on behalf of The Sue Ryder Foundation™ early this year. A fantastic effort and helped to raise in excess of £60,000 on their charity walk. At the end of the … Continue reading

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Jo-Jo’s Closure

Popular café has been closed now for a couple of weeks. I understand that there are structural issues with the building and that the rear roofing is in poor condition after recent heavy rain. The landlord is apparently unwilling at … Continue reading

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Nearly There…. Whittlesey Festival – Sunday 9th

I see last minute preparations going on. Contractors attending flower beds, extra sweeping by our cleansing team and much hard work done by the organising committee for this Sundays ‘Whittlesey Festival’ Free to attend and a showpiece for businesses and … Continue reading

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WTC Full Council Meeting – Tuesday 11th September

Please note change of Date Tuesday 11th September

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Opening Soon – Here In Whittlesey

Ex Bob’s Record Shop on Market Street, is to become a ‘Healthy’ Food and Drink Shop. ‘Lilly’ from Peterboro informs me she is doing up the shop herself and will be opening hopefully in the next couple of weeks….Sugar Free/Vegan/Gluten … Continue reading

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Planning Near-By…..The Fenman

Many of us will remember ‘The Fenman’ Public House – served food! – had music! Well been closed now for some time and was talk of converting it to a Childrens Nursery. Alas – developers see better opportunities (money) so … Continue reading

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WTC Planning Meeting – Wednesday 05th September 2018

Disclaimer: These observations are not the ‘official’ minutes of the meeting, these are supplied by Whittlesey Town Council, normally (1) month following the meeting and can be viewed on their website. With 25 applications on the agenda, this was a … Continue reading

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WTC Meetings – Information

Tonight (05th/Wednesday) I attended the WTC Planning Meeting and will report on this – tomorrow (06th) Below is the change of dates regarding September meetings….

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Farewell Martin Baldrey

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Mud Walls Group

Good meeting in moving forward with plans for the future. The group initially set up 2 years ago to re-map and identify the remaining historical Mud Walls in the area. The document (with a grant from Glassmoor Wind Turbine Fund) … Continue reading

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These People are Desperate – To Make Money

It is an unfortunate fact that ‘thousands’ of mainly young unemployable African people sit in internet cafés 12 to 18 hours a day, paying to market spam around the globe, it has been going on for years. Here below is – … Continue reading

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Another Scam Telephone Call

Female victim was called from a number 01233 281367 which is a Ashford number and as of this morning was still active. The victim was told she owed the Tax and Revenue and legal action was being taken to recover the … Continue reading

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