Monthly Archives: August 2017

FOWL & Library Update

So again, after all the ‘noise’ on social media about the Animal Experience – which by the way had nothing to do with Friends of Whittlesey Library – but received a lot of flack which in some cases bordered on … Continue reading

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Further Information Request from Neighbourhood Police Team

Julie Bailey (Police, Community Safety Officer, Fenland) Over the weekend there has been various vehicle crime reported to us. The reported incidents occurred in the area’s of Crescent Road, Whitmore Street, Feldale Place, and High Causeway. Cambridgeshire constabulary are appealing … Continue reading

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Update on Kings Dyke Crossing

The Cambs CC meeting where hopefully a decision to announce the ‘preferred bidder’ will be announced is to be held at Shire Hall Cambridge on Thursday 10:00 It would ‘appear’ that the Landowner who has held out selling the land has now … Continue reading

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Goodbye – Sam

So it’s good-bye to one of the dynamic duo – best Street Cleaners/Operatives we’ve ever had. Sam has decided he likes a 5 day job on the Dust Cart! This now leaves ‘Lilly’ Pete Savage – who again I can … Continue reading

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MOS – Mail On Sunday – Too Little – Too Late

Tell us something we don’t know. Policing is and has changed over the past 5 years. The type of Policing and the types of crimes are changing. 40% of crime now is Cyber/Internet based crime. Police are and need to … Continue reading

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Some Campers @ The Railway Station

  What started late last week with one caravan, has now expanded to several other vehicles arriving by yesterday afternoon. I have been in contact both with FDC Street Scene who inform me that ‘The Travellers & Diversity Manager’ is … Continue reading

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Plenty Of Cyclists -….

Rather unusual cycle coming through town on Friday…

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Preparations for a New Railway Bridge

Besides Aliwal Bridge

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How about a bit of GOOD News….

Businesses in Whittlesey seem to cycle opening and closing, but mostly when shops close for what-ever reason, it doesn’t take long before another opens – the shops may not be everyone’s likings but empty shop units does not instil confidence … Continue reading

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Re Damage to Property & Vehicles

Instead of taking frustrations out on Social Media – why not report the crime and evidence to the Police in the correct manner. If you were a victim of any crime – please report it – a lot of crime … Continue reading

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Request from Neighbourhood Policing Team

From Sgt Richard Lugg South Fenland PST Residents in their wards and ascertaining if they were a victim of crime and encourage them to report it by calling 101. This is not just a crime number gaining exercise. This is … Continue reading

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Issues of damage Avenues area.

Last night the Police did respond to some serious damage to property and vehicles. The Police were ‘quick’ to ask that reporting be curtailed on social media as it can hinder and jeopardise current and on going investigations – what … Continue reading

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