So again, after all the ‘noise’ on social media about the Animal Experience – which by the way had nothing to do with Friends of Whittlesey Library – but received a lot of flack which in some cases bordered on abusive.
The event as can be seen is now sold out.
Thanks to all those who bought tickets to support the event – which was sponsored by Whittlesey Town Council and is another event to be proud of supporting children in our community.
Tonight Friends of Whittlesey Library (FOWL) held a committee meeting of which I am member, 8 of us to support our local Library.
Funding from Cambs CC for libraries is in short supply again this year and I understand there will be NO new books purchased.
All magazine subscriptions will now be cancelled and they are looking at perhaps stopping Newspapers in the future although no decision as yet.
The next event that FOWL will be putting on will be ‘Pennyless’ – a Folk Group, which will be held on the 7t October at 7pm
(Tickets not on sale as yet and I understand will be £5 inc nibbles & a raffle).
We were informed on how library services are advancing with Open Access in some areas, whereby the public can access a library using their Library Card – outside normal working hours – we don’t think this will be coming to Whittlesey.
The friends will be supporting the annual Christmas Tree Festival.
A separate post will shortly be done on a consultation on the future of Library Services.