Monthly Archives: October 2016

Winter is Coming…

Winter burglary prevention advice After the clocks go back we start thinking about the darker night’s drawing in. Traditionally there is a rise in burglaries in the winter period, especially during the run up to Christmas and it is sensible … Continue reading

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Hallowe’en Poster

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All Small – But Good News – Trending this Week…

Last week I attended 6 meetings and 2 this week – overflow with information facts & figures. Lets stay as positive as possible….firstly what another fantastic job the Friends of Whittlesey Library have achieved… ‘New Blinds’ for all the large … Continue reading

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Goosebumbs @ The Library – This Saturday…..

Fun for all Children and maybe Adults – Friends of Whittlesey Library are putting on ‘Goosebumps’  – See poster above – click on picture to enlarge….

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Ongoing issues Snowley Park

Lots already elsewhere about the ‘Planning controversy/Noise/Dirt/Mud’ – I had a quick look around this afternoon and yes I would not want to live along the access road under these conditions. I don’t know when the builder has the road … Continue reading

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WTC Planning Meeting Update.

A large number of applications, which WTC Planning Committee have to consider. At the end of the meeting it was suggested that due to the number – that perhaps more frequent meetings be held – thus reducing both the length … Continue reading

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Nice Autumn Colour….

Nice autumnal colours covering a house in the Low Cross area….

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Another lesson for FDC – Look Here

I am always questioning the resources FDC put into cleaning and cleansing – luckily we have (2) excellent Street Cleaners – however they do with a ‘Trigger Brush’ (Only Fools & Horses®)  – we are told that the Street Sweeper … Continue reading

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Old News is New News…..Peterborough Post Office

As reported earlier in the year – The main Post Office in Peterborough has now moved from Church Street to Bridge Street (W.H. Smith) – there are certain facilities you can only do at a main Post Office

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WTC Planning Meeting – Wednesday 26/10/16

Lots of applications – See below.   Click on pictures to enlarge…

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Neighbourhood Watch AGM @ Police HQ

Below is an edited extract from a message sent out by myself to Whittlesey NHW on my attendance as an Executive Committee Member of the County Association. This took place on Saturday 22nd October. Whittlesey NHW Group. You will all … Continue reading

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Citizens Advice Bureau – AGM

As an ‘Independent Member’ of Rural Cambs CAB for a number of years I attended their AGM on Friday at Ely Cathedral (Before Trolls start – NO I don’t get paid & NO I don’t claim any expenses – Total … Continue reading

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