At the planning meeting held at the Manor Leisure Centre on the 9th January, where some of us sat again to listen for the ‘the 4th or 5th’ time these applications….
A decision was made, which to most attending was a satisfactory result for the majority of Whittlesey and district….. Fenland Planners, Legal and a very expensive Lawyer were all there. We had the ‘expertise’ knowledge of Cllr Martin Curtis (who has had a lot of training on planning). Now we are informed that ‘Harrier/Tesco’ are appealing on the grounds of and I quote….
Have appealed on the basis of non-determination, which is a direct result of them not issuing the refusal (FDC) Non-determination appeals are done because Councils don’t decide applications in a timely way.
(Cllr Curtis) My recollection of how this works is that the Tesco decision will be taken out of Fenland’s hands and be decided by the inspectors. However, it is a while since I dealt with non-determination, so I need to check this over.
The question surely is – Did none of the ‘experts’ see this coming !!!!
Was this ‘possibility’ not thought of in a ‘Risk assessment’
It is surely time for ‘some’ people/employees/councillors to be properly accountable BIG TIME.