Category Archives: Uncategorized

I was there…..History in the making…well maybe

I have now attended 8 yes that is 8 planning meetings regarding the ‘Supermarket’ coming to Whittlesey…. 4 for Whittlesey Town Council (as consultees) and 2 at March and 2 at Whittlesey. Yesterdays meeting started at 14:30 and concluded after … Continue reading

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Have YOUR Say – Fenland District Council

Everyone can influence hopefully some priorities for the near future. Fenland District Council have a consultation period for YOU to have some say. This is YOUR opportunity, take a little time and have YOUR say… The questionnaire will be available … Continue reading

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A seasoned Community Activist…. Has anything changed !!!!!

I have lost most of my hair! maybe caused by the stress of a great deal of inactivity from various council officialdom over the past 35 years…. Perhaps some of our ‘younger’ councillors and there are not many of them…. … Continue reading

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A Good Bear Day……2013


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Have a Good Straw Bear Weekend…..

                                                                Hope that ‘everyone’ has an enjoyable weekend, safe, sound and trouble free! When not working I have attended for the past 20+ years, the first digital photo I can find is from 1999…

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Important… Another Wind Farm Application !!!!

At Whittlesey Town Council yesterday (09th) we had another (2) applications for Wind Turbines, these were recommended for refusal on the grounds that: (a) There are enough turbines in the area already (b) It is out of keeping with the … Continue reading

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Hurray ….Debate/Planning coming to Whittlesey

This afternoon I and 3 other Town Councillors attended FDC’s planning committee hearing on the venue for the (3) Planning applications regarding Supermarkets/Business Park. A presentation on behalf of Whittlesey Town Council was given by Cllr Mrs D. Laws driving … Continue reading

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A sad loss….. Robert Scrimshaw

I am very sorry to hear that a friend and excellent councillor Robert Scrimshaw has passed away. I have known Robert for many years, his work will be a loss to the community. RIP

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More Rubbish !!!!…..

Our Street Pride Group continues to ‘make a difference’ to our town and villages. I have for years advocated the issues surrounding re-cycling and ‘more’ that can/could be done. Some progress has been made, but there is a long way … Continue reading

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Supermarket Update III…..(2013)

Today 04th major developments, one story breaking on the Cambs News Website 13:37, then later in the afternoon on both the Peterborough ET Website and Cambs News. First the Sainsburys application for a Judicial review, then the application being refused….. … Continue reading

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Supermarket Update II…..(2013)

It is my intention to attend the meeting on the 09th January. I will be intent on making sure that the ‘procedure/governance/standing orders’ are strictly complied with…..

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Blackbush – Update….

Having now done some more research …. naturally safety is paramount for our Railways. The specifications laid down under the Railways act/Network Rail for level crossings are being applied. My own measurements are well within their specifications. It is the … Continue reading

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