Category Archives: Uncategorized

Whittlesey Town Council

Congratulations to both Cllr David Mason on being elected as the new Chairman/Mayor of WTC, along with Cllr Dee Laws as Vice Chair/Deputy Mayor. Although I am not a supporter or member of any political group and have always disliked … Continue reading

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A ‘Bit Rich’ – Mr Barclay MP

I do not normally get to have a ‘crack’ at Mr. B…. and in any case I know when I am outside my league? However Mr. B made big issue of the fact that some candidates and some of those … Continue reading

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No Overall Control @ Cambs County Council

After the CCC elections, the Conservative Group are still the largest party, and we await to see ‘what’ administration we will end up with. Nick Clarke their defeated ex leader perhaps has got his message !!! live too far away … Continue reading

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Elections Over

Sorry for the lack of posts, but since I was not standing in the County Council elections, it was only fair to stay out of ‘trouble’ for this period. I did not stand because I am ‘only’ interested in the … Continue reading

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Happy Easter Holidays

A Happy Easter, cold and dismal – make the most it…. Eat, Drink and make Merry…..

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New/Replacement Street Lighting

Cambridgeshire along with many other areas of England and Wales are having their Street Lighting – Upgraded and or replaced/taken away. This is a Government lead initiative!…..To improve and make Street Lighting more efficient and environmentally better. Here in Cambridgeshire/Fenland, this … Continue reading

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Whittlesea Street Pride – Roy Gerstner nomination for Pride in Fenland.

Our sincere thanks to Pearl Burdock who nominated us for the ‘Pride in Fenland Awards 2013’ our efforts were acknowledged and we were the only nominee from Whittlesey – Well done Street Pride. There were many groups and individuals from … Continue reading

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Supermarket/Business Park & Country Park…. One Step Closer !

From Fenland District Council Planning Applications F/YR11/0895/O (Whitacre) and  F/YR11/0930/F (Sainsburys) We can confirm that following the submission of the applications to the National Planning Casework Unit (Secretary of State), the Secretary of State has decided that the applications should … Continue reading

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A Bridge is a coming !!!!! £15 Million +++

Nick Clarke leader of Cambs County Council has announced today (28th)… A ‘Bridge’ is to be built….sooner than later, possibly within the next 3 years… All kudos being given to our (2) County Councillors Martin Curtis and Ralph Butcher… Of … Continue reading

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Some of our younger councillors are harping on about infra-structure!… well well, nothing new …. Some of us who know the true meaning of the word…. look it up as – most of the info our younger councillors seem to … Continue reading

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Ongoing Issues – Never Ending…..

Enforcement issues whether it be Fly-Tipping, Littering or Planning, I heard ! that Leader Melton has it in his remit that there should be minimal enforcement….. well whilst many of us know that the ‘Enforcement Team’ at fenland has made … Continue reading

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More disappointing news – Saga is an understatement

At the planning meeting held at the Manor Leisure Centre on the 9th January, where some of us sat again to listen for the ‘the 4th or 5th’ time these applications…. A decision was made, which to most attending was … Continue reading

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