Many will remember (maybe) the controversy with Tesco™ wanting to build a supermarket along Cemetery Road, they wanted to knock down houses, they were ‘offering’ inducements to residents to sell, they wanted to knock down and re-locate the Fire Station…these were just some of the issues at the time. The planning application failed and they then moved to the next site on the Industrial Estate on Station Road.
Since then (History over) they have ‘banked the land’ – recently they came to WTC with their latest proposals, I was at the meeting were they did a presentation, I was not allowed to take away the ‘plan’ – however, many Councillors were very concerned about access and the number/types of dwellings that they were proposing. Several WTC Councillors were quite vocal in the respect that there should be NO houses backing onto James Gardens – which are bungalows, the agents for Tesco ‘appeared’ to be sympathetic with the Councillors and said they would take it away.
Now I understand FDC Planning last week F/YR16/0704 the consideration of the application for the land by the New Queen Street Surgery was, rather unusually, deferred for further information. Vote for deferral by 4 votes to 2. The whole application, with the additional information required, will need to be reheard at a future Planning Committee meeting.
In the additional report, Muntjac Dear are on the site, although not a protected species,
they apparently have some level of protection.
Despite Planning Officers’ recommendations on this application, —- all is not lost!
So the application lives another day…..
Very interesting and again Kudos to our WTC councillors in calling the application in.