More misconceptions and guess work unfortunately – Ian F (StreetLife©) is normally correct in his postings but he and many others are totally wrong on some of their comments ref Garden Waste Tax.
1/ Waste Disposal Tax – If people had read the reasons why there are ‘Start up costs’ then the miss-information posted would not have happened.
The ‘Start up costs’ are “supposed” to be recovered and paid back after the new scheme becomes solvent.
2/ The waste past, present and in the future from Garden Waste – is of a very low quality compost (FDC fact, FDC Portfolio Holder Cllr Murphy quoted to the cabinet) and in FACT you can go to Waterbeach and collect as much of this low quality compost for FREE.
I have done so, to say when using it – it is almost ‘glowing’ like nuke waste is an understatement – used it once and never again….
3/ As stated in my report posting of the decision of the Garden Waste Tax – 60% of those who responded to the consultation were (Not Happy) but said they would ‘probably’ take up the system. I quote FDC in that the scheme ‘should’ save the Council money and in fact produce a surplus – them quoting not me!
4/ The Recycling Centres are run privately on behalf of Cambridgeshire CC – Not FDC.
I agree there will probably be more garden waste taken to the ‘Tip’ as a result of the impending Brown Bin Tax – and this will lead to higher costs to Cambs CC and ultimately you and me the Tax Payer.