Merchant Navy Day – For Those Who Peril On The Sea.

160802-01 Red DusterI am extremely grateful to the Whittlesey branch of the Royal British Legion – who today for the first time have raised the ‘Red Duster’ on their flag pole behind the War memorial.
The fact that the men and women who served in the Merchant Navy who kept our island nation afloat during both World Wars.

Merchant Navy day is supported by the Merchant Navy Fund. It aims to highlight the work done by UK sailors and supports their families.
Last year more than 200 local flag hoisting ceremonies were organised in the UK.

RG in 1972Roy Gerstner in 1972 aged 21 just prior to joining the
Mv Benlawers (Thomson Bros of Leith) at London KG V docks.
We were chartered by the Red Cross to collect and take aid to the people of Vietnam – I was employed by the Red Cross to organise and assist with setting up all the communications bases that were required as well as being the Electronics Officer on-board the ship.
We picked up aid in many countries on our way to what was Siagon (Ho Chi Minh City) whilst transiting the Mekong Delta, a ‘friendly’ shell hit us, fortunately no one was killed.
My friend Simon Coates was injured but survived.
In 2017 we will be returning to Vietnam the first time I have done so since 1974.
Ben K 1944 3Digital image

My very good friend ‘Ben Killeen’ from ‘Gallows Hill’ Ennies, Limerick. Sailed during the 2nd World War, was frequently bombed and blown up, the worst occasion in Tripoli 1944.
Ben sadly passed away in June this year aged 93. I met Ben on a few occasions and he was a fantasticĀ  man of history and detail. I am honoured to have known and befriended him.

Ben K 2014Madeleine and Ben Killeen with myself in 2014, I madeĀ a special visit to see him.
He got up at 4am to get ready to meet me.
We spent many hours reminiscing over his long life at sea – He insisted in giving me a farewell present – A bottle of Tullamore Irish Whiskey – which I still have today – unopened.

Merchant Navy Day – 03rd September 2016 – Again my thanks to the Whittlesey Branch of The Royal British Legion.

ps The flag is Ex ‘London Victory’ 1984

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