There is quite a lot to cover, therefor several parts will be published over the next couple of days.
8 members of the public attended, there was no demonstration from members of Street Life© in regards to the Showfield development.
Mr Bruce Smith (pictured this evening) gave a brief but intense presentation to the council and public.
Also attending was Mr Martin Whitwell the land owner of the proposed development site.
The important part was that Mr Smith has served notice to Sainsburys© about their contract obligations. Sainsburys© have 28 days to respond.
Over 5 years of hard work, Mr Smith pointed out that both he and ‘Whittlesey’ had little or no support from the MP Mr Steve Barclay.
Fenland District Council (FDC) has decided not to hold an independent inquiry into planning matters concerning this application. ( RG – Letters about this will come later)
Mr Smith said “He was not driven by financial gain”
He is actively looking at other retailers and there has been some communication.
If another retailer were to come on the scene, there maybe scope for the Land for the Country Park, to be gifted by Mr Whitwell.
Mr Smith was passionate in perhaps incorporating some of the ‘Must Farm’ artefacts in what he hoped ‘could’ be a museum and heritage site within the Country Park.
This ‘vision’ was supported by a number of councillors.
It was also stated the Peterborough Vivacity had already a done deal on many of the artefacts. Cllr Butcher informed that it takes 5 years of more to prepare things like ‘boats’
before they can be displayed.
There is also the road infra-structure around the area to be sorted out.
RG – This is a very long haul ahead still – but it appears that the passion from Mr Smith lives on.