KD Crossing – News on the Cambs Times

Read Editor Mr Ellworthy article https://www.cambstimes.co.uk/home

Surprising that quite a lot of ‘information’ now given out by Cambs CC has not been in the public domain before?
I’ll let you read the article and make of it what you can.

What is questionable –
How robust has the risk assessment been both in the past and in the future and how much weight was given to this risk assessment.
How robust has been the costing – always blaming Kier™ for the ever increasing costs.
Does anyone at Cambs CC or their consultants have any idea of the many issues surrounding taking the road so close to the Star Pit.
Why was it that I broke the news and computer generated photo’s of how close the road was to the pit.
It would appear everyone and his dog now has taken ‘credit’ for where we are now – how bizarre can it be.
It would appear that Cambs CC still has ‘this’ option as the preferred route..!!!

Yes I will be attending on Monday afternoon – I changed my holiday booking to be able to attend both this meeting and the following Economy & Environment meeting later in the week.
When I was an engineer for the UK Government we had to carry out an ‘uncertainty factor’ on every job we did – if the factor was above 5% our report was questionable?

I understand that Cllr David Connor will also attend.

If you are attending the exhibition/meeting on Monday please read up as much as possible and be armed with as much knowledge as possible to ‘question’ Cambs CC

There have been several reports one that is both lengthy and worthy one is by Skanska™
See below – it will take a good hour to read it completely 78 pages.

Quote -“There are a number of risks around the Kings Dyke Crossing Scheme; key amongst these are”:
 Earthworks
 Difficult ground conditions
 Construction of the bridge over the railway and the river
 Liaison and co-ordination with the rail industry
 Diversion of statutory undertakers plant and services
 Weather
 Flood risk

Kings Dyke Level Crossing Major Scheme Business Case


I am Roy Gerstner, Independent Councillor
for St Marys Ward South – Whittlesey Town Council.
I am well know both for my community work and my
Community Activist role.

I have been reporting on The Kings Dyke Crossing since 2013

If any inaccuracy or mistake made, please inform me and I will correct it.

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