Updated – I Have Reported It….. More Vandalism

Besides the ripping off Fencing they decided to throw a full bad of dog poo in the river,
not good for the fish or anyone who would want to ‘free swim’ in the river (never seen it)

At least 2 Panels missing and 1 in the river?

Around 20:00 last night the ‘usual suspects’ youths 15+ in Hoddies causing damage to the 5 aside footbal area of the Manor Field, throwing objects into the river, it was witnessed and I have reported it. Our Neighbourhood Police Team are away of the latest spat of crime, however as the ‘usual suspects’ know when the Police are present and not.
It will be brought up at tomorrows Full Town Council meeting.

Remember no good complaining on Social Media – report it (a task I must admit) on the Cambs Police Website, it is then logged and recorded.

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