Last Monday various bits broke down around the heating system, by Thursday I understand that an engineer had been to identify the fault(s) the call out fee I was told in the region of £400:00 – which I will be making enquiries about.
Easter Holidays in the way and then at the mercy of parts and deliveries.
When I was the Senior Engineer for Disney – If if wasn’t fixed within 24 hours you were on the next plane home…..!!!
I was in the pool yesterday Friday and is was ‘cool’ but not cold and once going was OK.
It takes 4 hours to heat the pool by a ½ a degree….
Refreshing is the word.
- Whittlesey, GB8°Feels like: 6°CCloudy8:00 am3:48 pm GMT
Wind: 11km/h NE
Humidity: 95%
Pressure: 1031.16mbar
UV index: 0FriSatSun7°C / 4°C
7°C / 4°C
12°C / 9°C