Update – Does Whittlesey Want A Relief Road

Update @ 230124-06:00Z

There was  problems with the program in that some with mobile/tablet devices could not register, (I have about 4 such reported back to me).
The results after 24 hours are not convincing either way – that said there doesn’t seem to be a BIG majority in favour of the Relief Road – I remain with an open minded on it either way.

The feedback I am getting after Robin Suttons article (previous posting), is that around 60% feel is it too costly, wait up to 30 years and since the Kings Dyke Bridge, less hold ups.
The 40% say that too many HGV’s passing through our town, the Industrial Estate needs to be accessed in a different way, less pollution.

£200 Million and probably 30+ Years to wait so maybe double the cost.

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