Update on Our Two Local Scouts Peter & Thomas

I wrote the original article on 28th February this year.
I am pleased to report the following.

The boys announced at their Quiz in October that they have now reached their Target. The support form the local community has been absolutely fantastic. Who would have believed that they would manage it in just under a year, but they have worked so hard with lots of events.
They have spoken to Robert Windle and are hoping to go onto Fenland Youth Radio at some point so that they can thank everyone.
When they come back from Korea next summer they are hoping to lay on a thank-you event where they can talk to people who have supported them about their fundraising journey and then about the actual trip itself

A few words from Wendy
Peter Easterbrook & Thomas Cox

We are 2 Whittlesey boys who have both been in scouting since we were small. We have been lucky enough to be selected to represent Cambridgeshire at the 25th World Scout Jamboree 2023 in SaeManGeum, South Korea. This is a huge privilege as these events are only held every 4 years and the selection process is tough.

Read more and donate :- Go Fund Me

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