Call when it counts this Christmas

Last December, our Demand Hub received 10% more 999 calls than our monthly average for the rest of the year. 

This means that instead of winding down for Christmas like a lot of people, we expect that our call handlers will be getting even busier as we get closer to the 25th, as calls about antisocial behaviour, theft and drink driving often increase during December.
This is why we are reminding Cambridgeshire residents to only #CallWhenItCounts this Christmas, reserving 999 calls for emergencies that require immediate police assistance. 

For anything that’s not urgent, call handlers will be able to help you on 101, or on live web chat (where our average response time in November was just 35 seconds). 

Online reports are also available to fill in from our website 24/7. Every online report is assessed within a matter of hours, and if the IMU decide that there is sufficient evidence / witnesses, an investigation will be launched and police will contact you. 

Whilst we want to emphasise that we are always here to help, a large percentage of our 999 calls could have been dealt with using our online services or live web chat, which would help to reduce the constant pressure on our phone lines. 

If you want to learn more about how to contact us, you can visit the dedicated contact us page on the force’s website. 

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