This Morning @ The Buttercross

Last week – the prospective candidate for Police & Crime Commissioner, Mr Darryl Preston spent a bit of time at the Market Square and I reported my short conversation with him.

This week it was (present) Metro Mayor of The Combined Authority Mr James Palmer.
He is campaigning to be re-elected.
There are two other candidates who have yet to ‘arrive’ in Whittlesey.

I met James Palmer 4  years ago when he was electioneering to become the first Mayor of the Comined Authority.
I questioned and he answered about the overall running costs of the CA, to which he replied that the remit has expanded greatly from the original job description.

I questioned and he answered about moving from Alconbury to new offices, to which he replied that the Alconbury site was wasted space and too large and he would save £750K.
I was supportive of the initiative he took to take control of financing the bulk of the Kings Dyke Crossing, the £1 million Whittlesey has received for a Heritage Centre, Heritage Walk and the 11+ years we have waiting for ‘interactive signage’ for the B1040.

Mayor Palmer was taken for a walk along ‘Inhams Road’ where he witnessed the issues of HGV’s…..He went for walk around talking to the Market Stall Holders.

Several other Councillors and two Candidates for Whittlesey also attended.

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