Hustings – Combined Authority – Mayor of P’Boro & Cambs

My correspondent reports…..
I observed the on line debate with around 100 others.

My impression, was that Dr Nik Johnson (Labour) equipped himself well rising from a pre event ‘vote’ of 32% to post event of 61%,
The Lib Dem (Aidan Van de Weyer) speaking to the point that I can only recall his gaffs and many of the things that are not going so well in South Cambs his vote went from 18% to 12%..
James Palmer was the most eloquent but does not consider the environment to be a matter he is concerned about (my opinion). His pre event 3% rose to 9%. I appreciate that the environmental audience was probably out gunned by political activists, but it was a shame that there is not a Green Candidate at all!

Pre circulated questions were addressed adequately but I feel the only one that did some research was the Labour Candidate Nik Johnson, and whilst he is a well trained politician, he earned the result in my opinion.

The Election for Mayor of the Combined Authority takes place on May 06th….

As part of the devolution deal, the responsibilities of the combined authority will include the following:

  • A £600 million budget for local economic growth (£20 million over 30 years)
  • A £170 million budget for housing, including affordable and council housing, with £70 million specifically for housing in Cambridge
  • Transport infrastructure improvement and maintenance
  • Provision of skills training and apprenticeships
  • Integration of local health and social care resources
  • Integration of local employment services, and design of a National Work and Health Programme alongside the Department for Work and Pensions
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