Please be Aware of A bp Chargemaster Scam

We are aware that a number of people have received emails that appear to have come from a bp Chargemaster email address. These have not been sent by us. 

We no longer actively use email addresses that end in

Please treat any emails you may receive from this domain as suspicious and be vigilant:

Don’t click on any links contained in the email or open any attachments

Ensure you protect yourself online – please see the guidance on the National Cyber Security Centre website for helpful tips.

As a precaution, and to minimise any risk, we are notifying all our customers and the Information Commissioner’s Office of this incident, while we carry out a detailed investigation. We take the protection of data very seriously. 

We are also taking appropriate steps to mitigate any potential impact of this incident. 

We’re sorry for any concern this may cause. We will provide further information as appropriate.
Kind regards,
bp pulse Customer Operations

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