I hope you all survived Christmas , lets hope 2021 will be a better year.
Fenland Youth Radio are delighted to announce the Pride of Whittlesey Awards for 2020. A chance to showcase and applaud those who went the extra mile for Whittlesey and the villages. All don’t go out looking for awards but we want to recognise them and show our appreciation no matter their age. These awards are supported by Whittlesey Town Council and we need your help to get the message out and perhaps let us know about those in your organisations who we can highlight. Please note, to allow plenty of time for nominations we have decided to extend the deadline to the 31st January not the date we posted in the Discovering Magazine which should be coming through your letterbox soon.
The poster is attached please circulate.
For a full list of categories go to www.fenlandyouthradio.com
Since our last news update we have produced two special shows for the community, a Remembrance Sunday special and a Whittlesey & Villages Carol Service as well as hosting the Primary schools sports quiz . In 2021 we will have more special events in store. If you feel we can create more specific programming either as a one off special or a weekly show then please come back to me at management@fenlandyouthradio.com with your ideas and suggestions.
I am currently producing a review of the year show about our community which will be recorded shortly , Facebook Fenland Youth Radio will have all the details and when it will be broadcast.
Finally we are closing in on our target of 1,000 likes for our Facebook page we are 16 short so if you help us reach that target then it would be appreciated.
Kind regards and stay safe