A Call From Mr Peter Baxter – Needs Contact

Ten weeks ago a policy paper titled ‘Gear Change: a bold vision for cycling and walking’ was published by the Government informing us of anticipated future legislation, alongside was the Cycle Infrastructure Design’ guide.                              



‘We will choose up to twelve non-London local authority areas to benefit from intensive investment in mini-Holland schemes’.

After reading the above even the most skeptical should be excited by the prospect of being involved in something truly transformational. 

Boris Johnson’s initiative has the potential to regenerate everything it touches and Whittlesey, with its flat Dutch landscape and unresolved active travel problems is a serious candidate for inclusion. 

Two short films ‘How the Dutch got their cycle paths https://bicycledutch.wordpress.com/
and ‘Utrecht: Planning for people and bikes, not for cars http://www.streetfilms.org/
explain how a well educated nation changed public policy and created a model that is now the benchmark for the rest of the world, so we must put the A605 traffic elsewhere and learn how to better manage the traffic of people who live here.

Please don’t regard the following as flippancy but if you really want to understand Holland’s urban cycling and walking phenomenon you must visit this small, friendly and English speaking country and if you then feel their policies could be right for us fight for change.

Alphen aan den Rijn a busy town nine miles east of the university city of Leiden, provides an excellent example of an environment that is healthier, quieter and safer for its residents, just hire a bike and take it all in. 

If my observations are of interest I would like to hear from you.
Peter Baxter 01733 202229

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