Todays Scam News…

Have you received a message like this

Above is a screenshot of a real and recent example of a scam DVLA vehicle tax message.

At first, it appears quite official, but if you read the text on the right-hand image it does not make sense.

Criminals know that the moment they send and you receive the text, email or instant message, it will cause one of several reactions, here are two of them:

  1. Ignore and delete. (I don’t have a car, it looks a scam)
  2. Install fear that you have an unlicensed vehicle, you don’t want to be in trouble so you click on the link START NOW and use your credit card to pay.

The criminal wants the second reaction and unfortunately too many people react in this way, but it is through these emails I hope we can steer everyone to the ignoring and deleting of this and similar scam messages.
DVLA will not contact the public in such a way to tell them their car is untaxed.

For further information about scams aimed at motorists, visit:

Many thanks, and if you can forward these messages on to others I will be grateful.


Mr Nigel Sutton 8517
Cyber Protect Officer
Serious & Organised Crime (Intelligence and Specialist Crime Department)

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