KD X – Builders Update…..

A message from local member and leader at Fenland District Council, Cllr Chris Boden:

It’s been another positive two weeks on site for our contract Jones Bros and this week we have an impressive drone picture of the site – where you can really see the project starting to take shape.

The ground improvement works are progressing well and have reached where the western roundabout will be located.
This activity is scheduled to be completed by the end of the next week.

In section one, which runs from the western roundabout to the underpass structure adjacent to Star Pit quarry, approximately 150m of the embankment is now in place.
The work on these earthworks are expected to last until November.

In the last update, we shared that Jones Bros would be installing track monitoring points along the railway to ensure the track is not affected by the construction of the bridge in any way.
I’m pleased to say that these points are in place and will be monitored daily by the team on site.

Keep safe everyone and don’t forget the enhanced national Test and Trace app which launched yesterday – we all have our part to play in controlling the virus and saving lives.


Jones Bros Careers

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