I’ve done the survey – I invite you to do the same…..

A short survey (about 2/3 minutes maximum)
Cambridgeshire Road Safety Partnership Survey.

This survey could have a big influence on how ‘Cambridgeshire’ priorities its services,
I was a little confused as a couple of the questions had no relationship with road safety!!!

The Cambridgeshire Road Safety Partnership are undertaking a review of local Road Safety governance, strategy and delivery.
To this end they have commissioned a survey to gain an insight in to the concerns, needs and desires of the people of the county.
The survey is open for a relatively short period of time and they would like as many people as possible to complete it. To help with this, can you please:

* Complete the survey yourself
* Promote the survey as widely and as often as possible within the county

The link to the survey, which closes on 6th February, is

Many thanks for your help in this matter,
The Cambridgeshire Road Safety Partnership.
Mike Brooks (Police, Watch Co-Ordinator, Cambridgeshire)

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