Monthly Archives: July 2019

Advise – Dealing with Noisy Neighbours….

From our friends at Peterborough NHW Group.

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WTC Present – Music – On – The – Square – Today

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The Hermitage Fete

Wonderful and lots of hard work put into this now annual event, Gail Thorey and her team make the event another venue not to miss… Whilst there nice to meet and catch up with many residents at The Hermitage … … Continue reading

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Good Neighbours – Not So Good neighbours

This afternoon at The Hermitage Fete – another excellent event – Parking Wars started again in Whittlesey. The Silver Renault parked on Double Yellow Lines (No Disabled Card Visible) directly in front of a residents entrance. When said resident could … Continue reading

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Whittlesey & District NHW AGM

This Wednesday @ 7pm at Whittlesey Town Council Offices, Grosvenor Road, Whittlesey. Through side gate – up the stairs. Everyone is welcome.

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Scammers – Cleverer by the Day

On the left is what a ‘QR‘ code looks like, in case you are not aware. QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) first designed in 1994 for … Continue reading

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Kings Dyke Consultants – to Cambs CC

A company called Ramboll™ are/were the consultants for part of the KD Bridge project. Below is their indicative designs… You or I do not need a ‘double degree’ in Engineering to see from these pictures the ‘issues’ of the ‘road’ … Continue reading

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Letter to MP Barclay – Concerned Resident – KD Crossing

As I have said on many occasions, the more people who lobby our MP the better, spend a couple of minutes of your valuable time and let him know your/our feelings… [email protected] From a member of the public…. Dear Mr … Continue reading

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Cambs CC Official Press Release KD Crossing

18 Jul 2019 Cambridgeshire County Council has been engaged in urgent discussions with Kier and the Combined Authority on the important King’s Dyke crossing project. Officers and members have been committed to finding a solution for delivery of this scheme, … Continue reading

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I was there – I was the only one there – FDC Full Council Meeting Today.

Disclaimer: These observations are not the ‘official’ minutes of the meeting, these are supplied by Fenland District Council, normally (1) month following the meeting and can be viewed on their website. I was the only member of the public present … Continue reading

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Good Meeting Executive Group Cambs NHW

9 members including myself and Chairman Robin Sutton attended the Exec meeting of Cambs Neighbourhood Watch – membership in the region of 1,800 co-ordinators across Cambridgeshire. 2 members of Cambs Police Team were also in attendance. Notable concerns affecting our … Continue reading

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Telegraph Pole Damaged Station Road

HGV has hit a telegraph pole opposite 11 Station Road, pole has now fallen down and ripped wires from houses. Picture – Whittlesey Town Council

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