KD Crossing/Bridge – Time to Stop Asking Questions!!!!!

I and most ordinary people in and around Whittlesey are all feeling the same – about the on-going ‘latest’ news on the stagnentation (characterized by lack of development, advancement or progressive movement) of the Kings Dyke Crossing, I have posted well over 12 updates at various stages over the last 6 years.
I believed the project would go ahead 3 years ago and said – It has got a far as it ever has and believe it will happen – I maybe wrong….
It is so easy to point fingers at ‘someone/somebody’ to blame – but who if anyone is taking any form of responsibility or accountability – No One ….appears to be the answer.
It is all very well MP Steve Barclay asking that ‘questions’ need to be asked – NO Mr Barclay – we have had enough ‘questions’ it is time to ask for ANSWERS to what has gone wrong.
Being fair as I am – The Metro Mayor Mr James Palmer has only been on the scene in the last 2 years, It is a County Council project and both Whittlesey representatives have been Councillors for the more recent none developments.
So what we do have is some £7 Million++ being spent on what appears now to be a redundant parcel of near worthless land in its current state.
£7 Million of tax payers money.
I and many are asking of Mayor Palmer and MP Barclay – get a grip of the situation, hold those responsible to account and make the project come to life.
The other sting being ‘Kier’™ the builder who might have seen the project though, being in serious financial problems – I asked this question over 12 months ago, and was told that the County Council has ‘robust’ systems in place to mitigate any issues with the contractor(s)….and now we hear that Kier may not even be interested….

We are not looking for questions – We are looking for Answers – and in a timely fashion – not next year…..
Of course I could be cynical – and expect some who may have the answers to have taken early retirement – but I’ll not go up that route….that would be really cynical
Answers please…..

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