As per my post on the 26th (below or Click Here) on the Whittlesey Town Councillors who will NOT be standing for re-election in this coming May’s local elections.
Sadly I have to say that Cllr Ralph Butcher will not be standing, I have known Ralph for many years and he has always treated me very well and always engaged with me.
Picture WTC he also started his politics ‘Independent’ and is
currently the longest serving Whittlesey Town councillor – he sat on the ‘old’ Urban District Council, has been Chairman of FDC and a Country Councillor for many years.
Ralph has a wealth of knowledge which as I said will be sadly missed.
Retiring from the front line but I am sure he will be able to assist in historical events that have happened within our area and correct any misunderstandings or ‘false news’
Picture RG Happy retirement Ralph.
Ralph was one of the first councillors to promote/join in ‘Street Pride’ pictured here on the (left) about January 2008 with myself on (right).
Picture RG