Disclaimer: These observations are not the ‘official’ minutes of the meeting, these are supplied by Whittlesey Town Council, normally (1) month following the meeting and can be viewed on their website.
Well a long meeting indeed well over 2¾ hours when I left – no meeting in August.
I’ll not over report and keep it as short as possible.
The agenda for the meeting was published below on September 07th.
There was 9 members of the public and Country Councillor David Connor in attendance.
10 Councillors with apologies from Cll’s Jolly, Garratt, Curtis and Mason.
Jonathan Digby the CEO of the Aspire Learning Trust Click Here to learn more
Gave an excellent presentation on the future plans for the Trusts schooling expansion provision, as reported here last week at WTC planning committee, New Road School is to undergo major building and expansion work.
Mr Digby did acknowledge there to be ‘issues and concerns’ about ‘parents’ parking and dropping children off at schools, but said this was outside his remit and that he was open to help and suggestions to remedy the situation.
With Whittlesey and the surrounding area expanding by some 1,000+ houses over the next few years, Jonathan stated that they were well advanced in planning for the future education for children. Funding is coming through and plans for Sir Harry Smith’s further building program is well advanced in its planning stages.
Mr Digby’s presentation was very positive and upbeat. The ‘cluster’ of schools became a trust in 2013. Please visit the trusts website to learn more. Click Here
Public Forum:
1/ 4 members of the public made the council aware of delivery issues at Scaldgate Court, the signage not being very effective and them getting other peoples deliveries – asked for help.
2/ I brought up the concerns of section 106 contributions (monies paid by developers to offset expansion) at Bassenhally Farm Eastrea Road/Larfleet Homes
Under the planning obligation of the town & country act Section 106 contributions were agreed by FDC/CCC & Larkfleet under F/YR10/0904/O to make the following provisons:
a) Education contributions 4 x stage payments
b) Community transport 3 x stage payments
c) Bus stop contribution 3 x stage payments
4) Waste contribution 5 x stage payments
Public Open Space contributions and Affordable Housing.
I asked the councillors present (Also at last weeks planning meeting) if Larfleet had started to make good any of their commitments to the above.
Looking around at some of the councillors vacant faces whilst delivering my presentation, I got the distinct feeling they hadn’t got a clue what I was talking about – let alone me and others who have asked me to follow this up expecting an answer in the very near future.
‘Councillors are more than well aware of what section 106 is and its implications)
Larkfleet are building 490 houses to a value in excess of £90M – they should be making their share of S106 contributions.
I am following it up.
3/ Mr Robert Windle gave a short talk on the newly formed ‘Whittlesey Sports Association’ where 23 people recently attended, it is hoped to expand and get more people on-board.
Police Matters: Concerns that the Fenland Policing report goes to a closed audience, Town Council & NHW and that general public not aware of contents of report, this will be discussed when WTC has a meeting with the Police next month.
New Transport Strategy for Fenland: By Cambs CC – years of meetings and planning and very little result at the end.
Green Dog Walkers Scheme: To be launched in Whittlesey on the Market Place 12th October, Cllr Ray Whitwell asked for funding approval to a maximum of £1,000 to support the scheme, which was approved (Not by a unanimous vote).
Heron Foods Deliveries: On-going concerns of Heron Foods using the main A605 to deliver to their shop, after meetings they now started to make deliveries at 7am and along High Causeway. A prohibition order was discussed with Cambs Highways by they stated they had No Money for such a scheme, WTC was asked to fund it! (£2,000) – agreed to take it back to Cambs CC.
Must Farm Update: Meeting with parties concerned on 01st October
Syrian Refugees Update: None
Kings Delph Layby: A decision to install a ‘PortaLoo’ at the Lay-by and share the cost between CCC, FDC and WTC – this is on a trial basis. Serviced by operator @ £35/week
Tommies Celebration: The council agreed to purchase 3 ‘Tommies’ to celebrate the 100th Year anniversary of the ending of the First World War. These could be placed in Whittlesey and Coates.
A poignant reminder of the 888,246 British and Commonwealth soldiers who died and of those who survived but suffered physical and mental scars, the silhouettes will tour the nation until Armistice Day to raise funds for a new charity called Remembered.
The aim is to raise £15million for Armed Forces and mental health charities.
All the money raised will be shared evenly between The Royal Foundation: Heads Together, Walking With The Wounded, Combat Stress, Help for Heroes: Hidden Wounds, The Commonwealth War Graves Foundation and Project Equinox: Housing Veterans.
Centenary News caught up with the Great War ‘Tommies’ standing guard at the Merchant Navy Memorial, near the Tower of London (Photo: Centenary News)
News on Kings Dyke Crossing and possibly some of your councillors you will not be seeing after next May elections
in Part II of report….