More Crime & Issues – Last Week

In the last week, there have been a further (2) distraction burglaries – same modus –
Knocking on doors, selling their labour to cut trees down or do gardening work.
On occasions they will dislodge a tile on a bungalow and then tell the elderly resident that major work is required.
Again can I ask, if you have elderly neighbours that they are made aware of this scam going around the area.

I have been alerted by a Cambs NHW Coordinator about an unpleasant and threatening phone call she received this morning which caused her considerable concern.   The hoax caller was a woman, well-spoken using clear native English and the call logged as tel no. 02032 398292.   This tel number is listed on-line amongst many others as a “HMRC malicious hoax no”.
To view go to .

The call our NHW Coordinator received was similar to the typically reported calls listed there e.g. ” I received this call telling me that it was from the H.M.R.C. and that an injunction had been taken out against me and that I had to call this number and that this was my final chance.   Failure to do this could result in a prison sentence”

I’m pleased to say that our NHW Coordinator took the right action by not responding and promptly cancelled the call. I have advised our Coordinator to report the details to Action Fraud by using the shortcut link listed at the bottom of each page on our Cambs NHW Web-Site .

Please alert your NHW Scheme Members as appropriate.   You will never receive a genuine telephone call of this nature from HMRC.
Best Wishes Vic Nickson

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