Have your say on the future of joint governance of the Fire and Rescue services in Cambridgeshire

See below your opportunity to have your say.
I have commented on this subject before, and believe the P&CC has enough on his plate already – and has yet to prove – what he was elected for in the first instance.
I believe that the Fire & Ambulance Services make a much better business case.
I have voted for the first option.

Over 1500 responses have now been received on the consultation on possible future options for the Governance of the Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Thank you if you are one of them.
If you have not fed back your views then there is still time.

New legislation means that Police and Crime Commissioners can take on greater responsibilities for fire and rescue services in their area where a good case is made to do so.
Four options are being considered and a report has been independently produced (by PA Consulting) setting out the four options, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

  1. The no change option:  Police and fire continue to have governance arrangements that are independent of each other
  1. The representation option: The Police and Crime Commissioner has a seat and voting rights on the Fire Authority becoming the 18th member of the Fire Authority
  1. The governance option: The Fire Authority is replaced by the Police and Crime Commissioner who becomes the “Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner”;
  1. The single employer option: There is a single Chief Officer for police and fire personnel who becomes the single employer under the Police and Crime Commissioner.

The business case recommends option 3 – the governance option

We would like to know what you think.

How to tell us your views
A two page summary, the full report and online survey (that takes 30 seconds to complete) can be found at www.cambridgeshire-pcc.gov.uk/fire

If you would like to provide a written response or have any queries, please send them directly to cambs-pcc@cambs.pnn.police.uk     If you would prefer to complete the survey over the phone or require further assistance please phone 0300 333 3456

The consultation closes on 4th September 2017.

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