Trending This Week – 1

more-rubbishI am pleased to have received several comments about my article last week about ‘Fly-Tipping’ – The reported issues spotted in/around our area.
As I explained taking ‘miss fits’ through the criminal prosecution system is lengthy and expensive.
Magistrates/Courts give out minimum fines in many cases, as the riff raff claim poverty in most cases.
Catching people in the act is also difficult.
At least one very small piece of good new, is that the Government is introducing law to make car drivers/owners responsible for Litter thrown out of vehicles – back to the same issue – who police it and getting evidence that will stand up in court – sorry – sounds good but I doubt if many people will feel the force of the law.
At least in my picture – ‘people’ had left their rubbish by the bin.
Moving on – I read that FDC are proposing a 1:8% increase in their ‘Tax’ for the forth-coming year – which is ‘just’ under the threshold that doesn’t attract Government asking questions.

Cybercrime Conference.
Good afternoon The Cambridge Community Safety Partnership are funding a Cybercrime Conference which will be taking place on Tuesday 24 January 2017 from 17:00-19:00. This event is supported by Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridgeshire Constabulary, the Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Commissioner and Cambridge City Council.  The event is being held in a 400 person lecture theatre at Anglia Ruskin University so all welcome.  Places for the Cybercrime Conference can be booked through Eventbrite:

The agenda can also be found using the above link.
Kind regards Jason Ablewhite – Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Commissioner.

It is an unfortunate fact ‘Most’ people do not take cyber crime seriously.
Besides nearly ‘everyone’ wanting to know our personal details, I am probably as guilty as the rest – and I am a pretty good electronics engineer.
So called legitimate companies, Google™ Microsoft™ and Facebook™
  to name a few, have so much information about us, that we have probably forgotten it even exsisted.
Whilst the above companies Big Brother tactics are worrying they aren’t as downright scary as hackers who are out to take control of your PC/Tablet/Phone/Keyboard, Webcam or router.
Although I am unable to attend the Cyber Conference, I hope that maybe someone can and maybe give some feedback.

There are many ways to protect yourself and limit what companies like Google™ tracks your every move/keystroke and website ever visited – there are ways to stop it.
There are ways to stop companies recording what you say.
There are ways to prevent ‘Hackers’ watching you through a webcam.

There is of course one sting in the above – our Government (Free Speach and all) want and are bringing in legislation for Internet Providers to record ALL activity people use for 12 months.
Off course the argument is national security – and the old ??? if you have done nothing wrong then there is nothing to be afraid of.
Life is complicated enough I can well understand why some people try and remain Off The Grid…..

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