Unfortunately Life’s Not All Good News…..

eastrea-noticeboard-2016-01So a correspondent asked me for an update on my article on the Village Notice Boards, which I published last week and more than happy to do.

Well after asking 4 Councillors on Why/reasons for spending some £1,600:00 of ratepayers money on what I and some others find  unnecessary on them being replaced. No answer was what I got – nothing to do with me I got, wasn’t at the meeting I got, (2) have been vandalised (Coates & Eastrea) I was informed.
coates-noticeboard-2016-01Well as my photo’s taken this week show – no damage/or vandalism, I asked a resident in Turves/Three Horseshoes whether the (damaged/defunked) noticeboard was used/required to which he said no & no.
The ones that were installed in Eastrea & Coastes were as my understanding and memory tells me –  Community Notice Boards, for all organisations to use.
Someone told me that the Coates Noticeboard had been ‘High-Jacked’ by the Friends of the Church – just because of the notice within the Board.
And yes there are mechanisms in place to overturn/rescind a council decision, it only takes 4 letters to do so…..but is it worth it I ask – I do still maintain it is a waste of ratepayers money and we shall wait and see how long when installed the ‘New’ Noticeboards last !!!

Social Media Trending is back to the ‘Usual’ – Bridge over Kings Dyke – well the misinformed are having another field day in their cynicism – On this occasion I agree 100% with Cllr Martin Curtis, in the respect that on this occasion – the Planning and finance of the Bridge is at the most advanced stage it has ever reached – (Note I have not said it will be built) – But unless there is another – monumental cock-up for example there being some protected Lesser Spotted Natterjack or similar or that the Ground survey (50%) which has not yet been completed – reveals something sinister – I and 99% of Whittlesey hope that the project does come to fruition and that the ‘Ralph Butcher Bridge’ will be built.

The Brown Bin Tax caused consternation this week when residents got notices left on their bins, well again the unfortunate misinformed had not read this website which contained a vast amount of information leading up to and during the decision process.
June 16th     June 20th     20th Oct – The Final Decision

I was the ‘only’ member of the Public to be at the FDC meeting to hear the Business case put before FDC Cabinet. See links above on how this issue progressed.
People have a choice – To Pay or Not To Pay that is the question!
I believe many who said that they would not pay will realise the inconvenience of having to dispose of their Garden waste legally taking it to the recycling centre.

And Yes I was totally opposited to this Bin Tax – but having heard the history, financial reasoning and future of garden disposal – I like many others will have little choice (To pay or Not To Pay) – This ‘Stealth Tax’

Have a Nice weekend….Roy G….

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