Update on Horsey Toll – Anaerobic Digester

Further to my article of the 23rd May – Here is an update received today 01st June.


1  Jun 2016 — 721 signatures were submitted to Planning Control at Peterborough City Council on the 20th May 2016.
Residents have continued to discover and sign this petition since then, raising the total signees earlier today to 757.
The 757 signees and ALL comments to date have been forwarded and accepted by Planning Control. The final total will be noted again, just before the planning committee, but any further comments made from today (1st June 2016) via this petition will be disallowed.
Congratulations to you all, because even if only a third of you have written directly to planningcontrol@peterborough.gov.uk with your comments, there will already be more opinions from the residents than were previously submitted in the last application withdrawn in January.
Thank you for caring enough to consider this proposal and for choosing to support this campaign!
We will continue to keep you informed. THANK YOU!!!

(Note: Received from the campaign group) – As previously stated there are Pro’s and Con’s regarding these plants – the big impact for us Whittlesey residents is the potential traffic issues and access this plant may cause. – (RG)

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