Kings Dyke – Bridge Crossing

Digital image

Ralph B – Far right

At last nights Community Rail Partnership event, I was fortunate to have a conversation with Cllr Ralph Butcher, when I asked about updating me about ‘funding’ of the proposed development, as I was unsure if ALL the funding was in place, especially that of ‘Network Rail’, Ralph who is the Fenland/Whittlesey lead councillor on this project.
He informed me that ‘even’ if Network Rail was not to make any contribution, funds ‘will’ be available to complete the project, I asked further…..It would appear the Cambs CC will either look for funding or underwrite the cost (By the way that’s us the rate-payer).

Of course the tendering process is the next part, and of course there is always the what if? everything goes over budget.

SP & RBI was also sorry to hear from Ralph, that he is planning not to stand as a County councillor at the next elections in 2 years time, he said that the new boundaries make the area too large and unmanageable and coming up to 75 by the time of the elections, was feeling a ‘bit’ old to carry on, that’s subject to perhaps someone changing his plans?
Ralph B 2nd from the left. Was an original
Member of Whittlesey Street Pride and helped
launch the group off.

Post note: I did mention to Ralph, that maybe! when/if the bridge is eventually built it could be called ‘The Ralph Butcher Bridge’ – he smiled….

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