NHW – Policing Update

At Neighbourhood Watch – we have access to our local police, we have a dedicated ‘phone’ number to report crime or issues. If you would like to be part of making your street/area safer, by being a ‘Better Neighbour’ why not become a ‘Co-ordinator’ – it takes very little time or effort. Contact me.

NHW Logo 1Here is the latest report from our Neighbourhood Team

We have had no news either way regarding the closure or not of the Police station. As far as we are concerned its business as usual for us until such time as we are told otherwise.  The staffing level of the local team remains at 2 PCSO’s, a PC and a Sergeant. There are 7 Police officers that work out from the station.
If there is any feedback from the remembrance parades then it would be appreciated. As a team we all came in on a day off as we wanted to pay our respects and understand the significance of the day but we need to comply with the rules regarding closing the roads/stopping traffic  even for short periods of time.
Patrols have continued at the schools to give people the opportunity to bring any concerns to us and to deal with the on going parking concerns. We have several assemblies planned in the coming weeks at local schools and are working with the children of Coates school to educate speeding drivers.
Several people have mentioned cars being parked poorly in the area of Commons Rd and Stonald Rd, plans are in place to speak with local residents to initially educate as to parking laws before we start giving tickets out.
We arranged for the ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) team to be over and in a stint at Pondersbridge they issued 3 TORS (Traffic offence reports – basically we submit the offences and someone else decides what fine you get) and one driver given words of advice.

Whittlesey Neighbourhood Police


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