On my Litter picking travels today (I find it therapeutic!) I was fortunate to find a nice £10:00 note, it was on the grassed area besides the St Johns Ambulance HQ on Plough Road….naturally I will return it to its owner if they can prove it is theirs, otherwise it will go into my donations fund.
What a nice refreshing by-chance meeting with our Ex-PCSO Andy Halliday outside Sainsburys earlier this week. Andy has been a fully fledged PC for over 2 years now and is based at Bridge Street….Happy as always…
Now the ‘numpties’ on SL are whinging (As they do) (Rarely having anything positive to say)…are on about the efficiency of our PCSO’s in Whittlesey, before ‘posting’ why don’t they do a ‘little basic’ research into the remit of our PCSO’s in Cambridgeshire, they have ‘very limited’ powers and are classified as civilians. By all means report anything you feel is illegal, try the Police Station (Limited opening hours) or 101 for general issues.
- Whittlesey, GB11°Feels like: 6°CPartly Cloudy / Wind7:51 am4:33 pm GMT
Wind: 45km/h SW
Humidity: 53%
Pressure: 991.53mbar
UV index: 1SatSunMon6°C / 1°C
7°C / 5°C
9°C / 6°C