People Power – Some GOOD Results……

The recent planning application for some 150+ houses at Snowley Park near Glenfields has received publicity, however there has been a very robust people lead group/action group who put together some good arguments to Refuse this application.
Your/our Town Council, whom I supported all the way on this application made a good deposition on the arguments also. I am part of the Whittlesey Planning Committee.
At the Fenland Planning meeting I am pleased that ALL our arguments as to why this application should be refused were correctly listened too.
The Planning Officers at Fenland Do not live here and recommended to ‘Approve’ the application am pleased to say it was a unanimous vote to REFUSE.

However as always this is only the beginning, rest assured the applicant WILL appeal the decision…we wait to see… and will fight the case when/if it comes to appeal.

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