THE ‘E-Scooter’ Issue/Problem – Priority NP Whittlesey

It is members of the ‘Public’ you and I that set what priorities our Neighbourhood Police Team should look at…

E-Scooters – Whittlesey
The use of E-Scooters is something which we get asked a lot about. At this time in Whittlesey and the other areas of Fenland, E-Scooters can only be ridden on private land, with the land-owner’s permission.
There are other areas, such as Cambridge, where national trials are taking place and E-Scooters provided for the trials can be ridden legally in these areas but not privately owned ones.

We get reports of users of E-Scooters being ridden in ways that cause nuisance and potential danger to themselves, pedestrians and other road users.

The first time you are caught riding an E-Scooter in public you will be given a warning by the police and spoken to about the legislation. If you are caught again, you can expect your scooter to be seized.

This is what happened to a male in Whittlesey this week. He was seen riding on his scooter by PCSO’s and stopped and spoken to and warned. Later on that day, Officers saw him riding his E-Scooter again. He was stopped and the Scooter was seized under the Road Traffic Act.

If you want to report any nuisance or issues around E-Scooters please report below:

click on picture to enlarge.

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