I am sorry to see/hear that a lady has died in a road traffic accident on the B1040 Ramsey Road/Ponderbridge. Maybe it is time for our County Councillors to have some serious talk(s) with Cambs Highways. This stretch of road has historically had several serious accidents, until the finding by the Police Traffic investigators come up with how/why this latest incident has happened it would be Picture Terry Harris/Cambs Times© wrong to apportion any blame.
Most accidents are the cause of the driver, however the condition of this road doesn’t help, especially if you are not aware of the subsidence issues on this stretch of road.
For 2 years we were promised major improvements to Ramsey Road, and many including myself were to believe the whole stretch from the Ramsey Road Level Crossing to Ponderbridge was going to addressed…. however after delay/delay/delay last year some short sections of road nearby Harris Haulage Co were given a serious amount of maintenance and work, alas the money ran out and several sections of subsidence within the road still exist.
Trying to educate the driver may be a quick and cheap answer – Signs at both ends large enough to see – informing those of the risk to the motorist and the number of accidents that have occurred.
Putting in a speed limit is of no great use – as there will be little or no enforcement.
Time for this to be given serious thought – before anymore unfortunate drivers have more accidents.