12 members of The New Queen Street Surgery – Patients Participation Group attended Mondays AGM.
Retiring after 3 years at the helm and one of the founder members of the PPG Alison Bacon deserved an appreciation of her stalwart engagement with both patients, the PPG and Lakeside health.
Nominated and elected was Barry Wainwright who we are sure will keep up the high standards which Alison achieved.
The Practice Manger udated us on the Flu and Covid Vaccination roll out, which has been well received, there are plenty of opportunities still to get vaccinated, the next two Saturdays 08:30 to 14:00 and there will be ‘some’ week day appointments.|
Feedback has been well received and it was noted that there were no delays or queues.
There has been an update on the booking system which is allowing more F2F appointments.
Roy Gerstner gave an update on his attending the Healthwatch Summit last Friday.
It was proposed he should represent the NQS PPG at future Healthwatch meetings.
Two new members attended the meeting including one from Cardea.