New Queen Street Surgery ¬ Presentation To WTC

Technical issues meant that the sideshow shown below didn’t work for us councillors or 10 members of the public present, we did have a paper version.

The presentation was given by CEO of Lakeside Health Service (includes New Queen Street & Stanground Surgeries) Jessica Bawden and Dr. Dan Dhanushan.
Unfortunately the acoustics in the chamber are not good and many found it difficult to hear.

At the end of the presentation Councillors were given the opportunity to ask questions.
Most related to access to see a doctor, and difficulty in contacting the surgery.

My own questions were.
1/ As per the presentation paperwork, have all the CQC recommendations now been
(a) Implementation has taken place and is being monitored.

2/ The Patients Survey came out with some ‘Very Poor’ results and Feedback.
      even taking some of the Jenner Health Centre comparisons came out very poor.
(a) They are very well aware and are looking into what improvement can be made.

3/ How is NQS going to cope with further increases in population within the area.
(a) With some difficulty as at capacity at present and there is no more money available
      for any more doctors.

4/ Several elderly patients have recently attended the private ‘Fitzwilliam Hospital’ not
      being able to get appointments at NQS they paid on average £185 including the taxi
(a) No comment.

(click on the botton left corner arrows to advance/retard the pages)

NQS - WTC Presentation 240919


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